Overall solution for power supply and distribution system of communication power supply

The rapid development of big data and cloud computing technology, and the application of video, image, WeChat, mobile payment and other new business have brought the rapid growth of data business, resulting in the exponential growth of the scale and total energy consumption of domestic IDC. The current IDC power consumption in China has accounted for 2% of the total social power consumption or 10% of the total building energy consumption in China. Energy consumption and maintenance issues are restricting the development of the era of big data, and it is necessary to reform the IDC power supply concept.

Core products
Solution Advantages
Successful cases

5G-Smart模块化电源系统是一种可支持多用户共享、可方便扩展容量及配电,可接入多种不同新能源,并适合多种安装场景的新一代综合电源系统。高密度版体积小、重量轻、全正面操作维护,可支持市电削峰、光电混合、错峰用电等多能源,多场景智能化管理。电源系统采用模块化设计,基础单元为一套小容量系统,如需要可非常方便的增加容量及配电,满足后期容量及用户数扩展的需求。 19 英寸标准安装,可实现按需配置、任意扩容。






壁挂式电源系统是一种紧凑、高效、高可靠性的直流小容量电源系统。该系统将交直流配电、监控器、整流器及电池集成在同一箱体内。体积小巧,安装方式多样,可落地、抱杆或挂墙安装。户外型箱体防护等级可达IP54。可直接应用于户外环境。适用于分布式快速建站的场景。 壁挂式电源系统广泛应用于移动基站、综合接入网点、室内分布等多种应用场景。


嵌入式电源系统是中恒电气专门为通信户外柜及其它19英寸安装方式配套设计的一款紧凑、灵活、高可靠性不间断电源系统,系统最大容量300A。各功能单元均采用标准化尺寸设计,支持热插拔。安装维护非常方便。 系统支持多用户共享共用,支持RS232或RS485或以太网口通讯。是室外建站配套电源的首选。 嵌入式电源系统广泛应用于无线网络宏基站、5G无线网络宏微基站、室分智能网络、传送网、企业通讯网络。


组合式电源系统是中恒公司设计的一款紧凑、高效、高可靠性的直流不间断电源系统,该系统将直流配电单元、交流配电单元、监控器单元以及整流器单元甚至电池整合在一个机柜中,是一种紧凑型中功率电源系统。 组合式电源支持多用户共享共建,可最多提供4家用户的单独计量及单独下电管理,最大容量可至1000A。 组合式电源系统可灵活应用于无线、有线接入网、传输网机房、企业网通信机房等室内直流供电场景,为通信设备提供稳定、可靠的直流电源。



AC to DC power supply

AC to DC power supply is a network energy product designed by Zhongheng Electric Co., Ltd. according to the minimization demand in the market. This product mainly converts AC 220V to DC 48V to provide basic energy for communication equipment, which can realize speed, minimal, highly efficient and flexible deployment of 5G and other communication equipment. The power supply can be divided into the following types: 600W, 800W, 1000W, 1500W, 2000W and 2500W. Application scenarios: outdoor light pole station, indoor distributed weak current well, RRU (Remote Radio Unit), micro station and other severe environment scenarios.

5G-PAD micro power supply

With the concept of \"energy combination, energy minimization\", the 5G-PAD micro power supply deploys innovative and combined research, development and design in the aspects of power, distribution, heat dissipation and backup power. At the same time, it can realize easy expansion in capacity according to business demands, which can help to realize speed, minimal, highly efficient and intelligent deployment of 5G equipment. The 5G-PAD micro power supply is mainly divided into 1kW integral type (10Ah/20Ah battery included), 2kW split-type (20Ah/50Ah battery optional) and 3kW split-type (20Ah/50Ah battery optional).At the same time, the 2kW and 3kW split-type are available to support the expansion of 280V booster module. Application scenarios: outdoor light pole station, indoor distributed weak current well, RRU(Remote Radio Unit), micro station and other severe environment scenarios.

Solution Advantages
System architecture, simple and efficient
Battery availability is 100%
The most reliable modular design
Low-cost access to new energy sources
Perfect energy management service system
High efficiency and energy saving, small floor area, low investment cost
Easy and convenient expansion, switch and maintenance in life cycle
Successful cases
Zhongheng HVDC power supply system has successively provided safe, reliable, energy saving, environmental-friendly, easy-to-maintain and low-cost power product solutions to Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu, China Mobile, China Telecom, GDS, @HUB and other customers.
Distributed HVDC energy storage creates a new business model for data center energy storage
Computer Room Construction Project of Yunnan Power Grid
ZhangBei Cloud Computing Data Center Construction Project
The technical requirements and test methods of 240V/336V DC power supply system for information and communication have been submitted to the national authority for review
The standard contributed by Zhongheng Electric won the first prize of science and technology
Key projects of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games
Baidu Yizhuang Computer Room Renovation project in Beijing
Distributed HVDC energy storage creates a new business model for data center energy storage
ZhangBei Cloud Computing Data Center Construction Project
©2020 Hangzhou Zhonhen Electric Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 浙ICP备10046063号 DESIGNED BY:DESIGNED BY: Lebang Technology